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The Saving Power Of 3 Quotes

July 15th, 2015 at 12:26 am

This post is not rocket science and it is not revolutionary in the slightest. It is something we all know we should do, but don't. It has the potential to save us thousands throughout our lifetime but we often cannot be bothered.
It is the power of getting 3 quotes.

By getting 3 quotes for insurance, phone, internet, utilities and services you know you are paying the best amount. You have the ability to save yourselves hundreds and possibly thousands each year.

I would encourage everyone to do this annually as I regularly find that bills tend to go up each year because of inflation, higher overheads [insert other improbable excuse].

Recently I reevaluated my electricity provider against other companies. I did this only a year ago. I was able to save $272 just by checking the rates against an old bill.

$272 is not chump change either and it has a cumulative effect when you get fresh quotes for your health, car and home insurance. You should also check your gas and phone bills.

Keep a record of what you were paying prior and then record how much you've saved. I believe even the most stringent saver could save at least an additional half a grand just by putting in an hour worth of effort each year.

Let us know how much you were able to save in the comments section or if you have other great ways to easily recheck an old quote.

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